What Types of Damage Can You Recover in a Wrongful Death Claim

The Law Offices at Kenneth Lyon III • Feb 26, 2024

The loss of a loved one can be unbearable, and when that loss occurs because of someone else's negligence, it's important to know your legal options. We delve into the intricacies of wrongful death claims, specifically focusing on the types of damages that survivors may recover below. If you believe you have a wrongful death claim in Reno or the surrounding areas, contact The Law Offices at Kenneth Lyon III

Medical Expenses

Medical expenses are a significant component of wrongful death claims, encompassing costs incurred due to the deceased's medical treatment related to the fatal incident. This can include hospital bills, medication expenses, surgery costs, and any other medical interventions to treat injuries sustained before the individual's passing. In a wrongful death claim, survivors may seek compensation to cover these medical expenses as part of the economic damages. 

Funeral Expenses 

Funeral expenses may include funeral service fees, burial or cremation costs, memorial arrangements, and related expenditures. In the aftermath of a wrongful death, survivors can seek compensation for these funeral expenses as part of the economic damages in their legal claim. Recognizing the financial strain of organizing a proper farewell, the legal system allows for recovering these costs to alleviate the burden on grieving families. 

Loss of Financial Support

Survivors may seek compensation for the financial contributions the deceased would have made to the household, including income, benefits, and other forms of financial support. This aspect of the claim aims to alleviate the economic strain placed on the surviving family members, acknowledging the financial repercussions resulting from the loss.

Loss of Love and Companionship

Survivors are entitled to seek compensation for the emotional and relational void left by the untimely death of a loved one. This includes the unique bonds, guidance, and emotional support that the deceased provided to family members. While it's challenging to quantify these losses in monetary terms, recognizing the impact of the diminished quality of life due to the absence of a cherished companion is a major part of wrongful death claims.

Wrongful Death Lawyers in Reno

The loss of a loved one is never easy, especially when it occurs due to the negligence of others. If your loved one was killed in an accident or for other reasons that were not their fault, you could be entitled to compensation for loss of income, medical expenses, funeral expenses, probable support, companionship, society, and comfort and consortium your loved one provided to you and your family. Contact The Law Offices of Kenneth E. Lyon III at 775-277-6392 to learn more. Feel free to contact The Law Offices of Kenneth Lyon III for a free case evaluation in Reno, NV!

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